North Hills Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
Being accused of, arrested for, or charged with a violent crime here in California is a serious matter. Violent crimes are mostly investigated by select teams that specialize in carefully combing through the case and making arrests. Violent crime conviction here can carry harsh penalties that range from fines, a tainted criminal record, incarceration, to the death penalty.
So if you’re currently facing a violent crime case, you’re going to need all the help you can get. You need accomplished and aggressive criminal defense attorneys who have the expertise and experience in representing and fighting for clients in difficult situations.
When you need the best, call Winfield Law!
Winfield Law is the criminal defense law firm that will be there for you. Our trusted team of North Hills violent crime defense attorneys are ready to be by your side throughout the legal process and the roller-coaster ride of emotions, questions, and worry that go along with it. We are dedicated to effectively safeguarding your rights and protecting your freedom, and we do this through meticulous research, a solid defense plan, and aggressive representation in the courtroom.
As your dedicated North Hills, CA defense law firm, Winfield Law is ready to give you what you deserve—high-quality legal support, professional insight, and honest answers to your questions. We’ve got your back!
Call Winfield Law at 310-742-8949 for a Free Consultation!
Potential Consequences of Violent Crimes
Violent crimes here in North Hills are dealt with stiffly, carrying hefty penalties for those who commit them. You could face fines, probation, jail time, life in prison, or—because California is a death penalty state—even capital punishment. Of course, the consequence would depend on the gravity of your offense as well as how well negotiations go between your violent crime defense attorney and the prosecutors.
A violent crime conviction is also going to stain your record and can affect your career, chances for child custody, employment opportunities, right to vote, right to carry a weapon, and other areas of your life even after you’ve served time or paid the penalty. A conviction’s consequences can even creep into your marriages, friendships, and other relationships.
Here at Winfield Law, our team of violent crime defense attorneys are committed to protecting your rights and liberty from unnecessary or overly harsh penalties. With meticulous study, careful analysis, expert negotiation skills, and aggressive representation in court, we work hard to help you obtain the best possible resolution for your case.
Common Violent Crime Charges in California
The state of California has seen an increase in its violent crime rate in the past years. According to data gathered by the Public Policy Institute of California, the state experienced a 1.5% uptick in its violent crime rate in the year 2017. It was at 451 per 100,000 residents, which was the 16th highest in the United States. The most common violent crime charges were:
- Aggravated Assault – 59%
- Robbery – 32%
- Rape – 8%
- Homicide – 1%
If you are currently facing criminal charges, especially violent crime charges, here in North Hills, the legal support, guidance, and representation of an experienced and accomplished defense attorney—one who is an expert in California criminal law, process, and defense. We have what you need here at Winfield Law.
Domestic Violence Lawsuits
Domestic violence laws in California make it illegal and criminal for one to harm or at least threaten to harm:
- A spouse or former spouse,
- A cohabitant or former cohabitant,
- A fiancé(e) or your former fiancé(e),
- An individual with whom you currently have or used to have a dating relationship, or
- A fellow parent to your child.
Domestic violence is often associated with situations involving kicking, punching, strangling, and beating up a partner, but it also covers other forms of unlawful, harmful, offensive touching that is done either willfully or recklessly. This can include grabbing, throwing things, etc.
All this sounds pretty straightforward; however, domestic violence can be complicated and confusing because of all the emotions and relationships involved. This is exactly why you’re going to need the help of a skilled defense attorney when facing accusations and charges such as these.
Here at Winfield Law, we strive to fight for your freedom. With our solid defense plan, experience in negotiations, as well as assertive representation, we can go for a plea bargain to a lesser charge, see to it that you get the treatment that you need instead of incarceration, or maybe even have the prosecutor not pursue the case at all.
Penalties for Domestic Violence
More than jail time and a fine, if you are convicted of domestic violence, you can be looking at a list of other penalties for the offense. Domestic battery in Penal Code 243(e)(1), for example, is a misdemeanor here in California and if you’re convicted of the crime, you could face up to one year in county jail, maximum $2,000 fine, and/or a misdemeanor (summary) probation, which allows low-risk offenders to spend most or even all of their sentence under the supervision of the court instead of in jail.
Corporal Injury to a spouse or inhabitant in Penal Code 273.5, on the other hand, is a felony offense. If convicted, you could face legal penalties that range from one year in county jail to four (4) years in California state prison.
There are many other actions that fall under domestic abuse, and these can come with varying penalties. If you’re facing accusations or charges for domestic violence and you’re not sure whether or not your actions are punishable, your best move is to have an experienced and trusted violent crime defense attorney from Winfield Law by your side throughout the entire process.
Here at Winfield Law, our domestic violence defense attorneys know exactly how they can help you. We can help you fight back with a solid defense, strong representation, and years of experience in the legal arena.
Some of the legal defenses that we can work with include:
- It was an accident. You did not have any criminal intent to do harm, you were not negligent with your actions, and you did not do anything illegal or unlawful at the time of the accident
- It was in self-defense or in defense of another person. You genuinely believed that you were in imminent danger of death or great harm (or that someone else was), so you used the appropriate yet unfortunately deadly force as protection.
- It’s a false accusation.
Speak to your defense attorney about the incident as soon as possible. If you don’t have one yet, Winfield Law is a trusted law firm known for aggressive defense and dedicated legal support throughout the process.
The Criminal Defense Process
When you are arrested for a felony, it’s very important to anticipate and prepare for what’s to come. Depending on your offense, the possible sentences you could be looking at include probation, incarceration in county jail, incarceration in state prison, and death. But before you start worrying about that part, it’s more beneficial to actually know how the process flows. We’d suggest getting a better understanding of the North Hills criminal process, something that our team of passionate felony defense attorneys here at Winfield Law can help you out with.
You can start with the following information about what goes on after the arrest or investigation:
- Arraignment is when the defendant is first informed of the charges, provided with the charging document, advised of their constitutional rights, and given the opportunity to enter their plea (guilty, not guilty, or no contest). This is when the defendant first appears in court.
- Negotiation is when plea bargains and reduced charges are discussed within the courtroom.
- Preliminary Hearing takes place when the parties are not able to reach a negotiated agreement. It is when the judge decides whether or not the evidence to hold the defendant for trial is sufficient. Motions and arguments are then presented. The judge reviews the evidence presented by both parties, and if they find that the evidence is sufficient, the defendant is arraigned for trial.
- Pretrial Conference is when both parties are given the opportunity to continue negotiating a disposition and preparing for the trial. This time is also used to ensure that all relevant information and evidence are exchanged between the parties.
- Jury Trial is when the parties’ attorneys select the jury, litigate pretrial motions, present opening statements, present evidence, present and cross-examine witnesses, and then present closing statements. The jury then deliberates on the case, and gives a decision on whether the defendant is guilty and proceed to sentencing, or not guilty and be released.
Having a good understanding of the California criminal process is very helpful, but it’s not going to get you too far unless you have the support and guidance of an experienced and accomplished North Hills felony defense attorney. Here at Winfield Law, we are ready to help you throughout the entire criminal process. From arrest/investigation to a jury trial, we are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Whether you’re facing a charge on drug crime, DUI, violent crime, or other violent crime offenses, Winfield Law is ready and equipped to fight for your rights.
Let’s Talk Now- Free Consultation
The discount lawyers you see on billboards may say they’re the best, but don’t settle with empty promises. Go for criminal defense attorneys that you can trust. You deserve skilled, experienced, and compassionate lawyers who will fight for you during such a stressful time in your life.
As your dedicated North Hills criminal defense attorneys, Winfield Law offers unwavering legal support, honest insight, professional advice, impressive negotiation skills, and fierce representation in the courtroom. You deserve no less than the best defense North Hills has to offer.
Call Winfield Law today at 310-742-8949 for your Free Consultation with an North Hills Criminal Defense Lawyer!